OpenAI launches chatbot builder

The American company OpenAI is preparing to launch an interesting update to its generative artificial intelligence system. As evidenced by screenshots and videos leaked online, users of the ChatGPT paid subscription will soon have access to the GPT Builder chatbot constructor. With the new service, users will be able to create their own bots with many of the same features available in ChatGPT.

The American company OpenAI is preparing to launch an interesting update to its generative artificial intelligence system. As evidenced by screenshots and videos leaked online, users of the ChatGPT paid subscription will soon have access to the GPT Builder chatbot constructor. With the new service, users will be able to create their own bots with many of the same features available in ChatGPT.

SEO tool developer Tibor Blaho posted a video demonstrating the GPT Builder user interface in action. In particular, a builder option is shown that allows users to enter a hint when creating a new chatbot, for example using the query: “Create a creative that will help create visuals for new products.”

On the “Create” tab, you can select the default language, tone and writing style for the chatbot, and then on the “Settings” tab, specify the name of the chatbot, as well as place a description and list of restrictions. There is also a field for adding custom actions to the chatbot – users will be able to upload files to create a custom knowledge base and trigger web browsing and image creation. Next to the customization options, there is a review panel with a hint window for testing the chatbot as you edit it. Blaho also published a detailed description of GPT Builder on LinkedIn.

With an annual subscription, the cost of using the chatbot will be $25 per month, without an annual subscription – $30 per month.

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva is a young and enthusiastic technology journalist who brings a fresh perspective to the tech reporting landscape. Natalia's articles and features showcase her dedication to staying abreast of the latest tech trends and her ability to convey complex topics in an accessible manner.