An AI-Written Sci-Fi Story Wins A Literary Competition In China For The First Time In History.

The short story “Land of Memories” in Chinese became one of the winners of the youth popular science fiction competition in Jiangsu. The novel was submitted to a competition held by the Jiangsu Science Fiction Writers Association. At the October awards ceremony, the story won second prize along with 17 other stories, meaning it received the votes of three of the six jury members.

The short story “Land of Memories” in Chinese became one of the winners of the youth popular science fiction competition in Jiangsu.

The novel was submitted to a competition held by the Jiangsu Science Fiction Writers Association. At the October awards ceremony, the story won second prize along with 17 other stories, meaning it received the votes of three of the six jury members.

Shen created a sci-fi story from a 43,000-character draft in just three hours, using 66 clues. The unique storyline sets the stage from the first three lines generated by artificial intelligence. At the edge of the metaverse lies the Land of Memories, a forbidden realm where humans are prohibited from entering. This is where complete illusions live, created by humanoid robots and AI who have lost their memory. Any violator, be it a human or an artificial creature, will lose his memory and remain forever in her forbidden embrace. The plot centers on a metaverse researcher named Li Xiao, who worked as a neuroengineer in the real world. Having accidentally lost all the memories of her family during an experiment, she becomes interested in the legend of the Land of Memories and hopes that in the metaverse she will be able to restore her lost memories…

The publisher of the work claims that AI poses a threat to writers and causes irreparable damage to the literary language.

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva is a young and enthusiastic technology journalist who brings a fresh perspective to the tech reporting landscape. Natalia's articles and features showcase her dedication to staying abreast of the latest tech trends and her ability to convey complex topics in an accessible manner.