Vodafone Signs 10-Year Deal With Microsoft To Invest $1.5 Billion In AI

Vodafone and Microsoft have announced a long-term partnership to provide scalable digital platforms to more than 300 million businesses and consumers in Europe and Africa. We are talking about the development of such areas as generative AI, cloud services and the Internet of Things (IoT).

Vodafone and Microsoft have announced a long-term partnership to provide scalable digital platforms to more than 300 million businesses and consumers in Europe and Africa. We are talking about the development of such areas as generative AI, cloud services and the Internet of Things (IoT).

According to a Vodafone press release, the company will invest $1.5 billion over 10 years in cloud technologies and customer-focused artificial intelligence services developed jointly with Microsoft. At the same time, the American company will use Vodafone’s fixed and mobile communications services.

Microsoft also intends to invest in Vodafone’s Internet of Things (IoT) platform, which will become a separate business by April 2024. The new company expects to attract new partners and customers, as well as expand the platform to connect more devices, vehicles and equipment, the message says.

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva is a young and enthusiastic technology journalist who brings a fresh perspective to the tech reporting landscape. Natalia's articles and features showcase her dedication to staying abreast of the latest tech trends and her ability to convey complex topics in an accessible manner.