Omdia Survey Reveals: Enterprises Boost IoT to Fuel Digital Transformation

Мany enterprises have already begun deploying IoT solutions or are actively working on rolling them out

In the rapidly changing world of digital transformation, IoT deployments have become a key component in the strategies of businesses. These deployments allow companies to increase productivity, reduce costs, and achieve environmental sustainability goals.

Omdia’s recent Internet of Things Enterprise Survey highlights the growing commitment of businesses to IoT solutions, with increased spending and widespread expansion of deployments. The survey results reveal a strong trend.

Мany enterprises have already begun deploying IoT solutions or are actively working on rolling them out. 95% of respondents expect to see tangible benefits from their IoT initiatives within just two years of implementation.

Omdia’s analysis shows that while Long-Term Evolution (LTE) or 4G connectivity remains popular, the future lies in the rapid adoption of 5G connectivity, with over 70 percent of enterprises planning to incorporate it.

Additionally, the study indicates that nearly 90 percent of enterprises are either already using or planning to integrate eSIM/iSIM technology within the next two years. This technology has the potential to help enterprises manage costs and negotiate more favorable connectivity tariffs in the future.

As the deployment of IoT solutions increases, Omdia’s survey highlights the positive effects on the entire IoT value chain, but also the increased competition. Enterprises are increasingly relying on vendors and partners due to the complex nature of IoT solution implementation, which requires a diverse skill set for success.

One major challenge cited by enterprises is finding and acquiring the necessary resources and expertise internally. Vendors that fail to deliver secure solutions risk being excluded from this growing market.

Alexander Alexandrov

Alexander Alexandrov

Founder & Editor in Chief @ .The Smart Age
Alex has a track record as a journalist and Editor in various technology and non-technology media sites for more than 20 years. You can usually meet him on almost any major tech event in Europe. The rest of the time he is behind the keyboard working on the next top material.