Chatbot Bard Now Can Watch And Retell Youtube Videos

Google Bard, an artificial intelligence chatbot, can now retell the content of YouTube videos and answer questions about what it watched. This feature, available in test mode through Google Labs, allows you to save time and avoid watching uninteresting videos, but for some reason important to the user.

DeepMind Ceated AI for More Accurate Weather Forecasts

For the first time, artificial intelligence (AI) was able to predict the weather much more accurately than meteorologists using a traditional system of collecting and analyzing information. According to a study published in the journal Science, Google DeepMind's GraphCast neural network outperformed the European Center for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts in forecast accuracy.

OpenAI Developing The GPT-5 

OpenAI Developing The GPT-5AI technology developer OpenAI has begun creating a new flagship artificial intelligence model, GPT-5, company CEO Sam Altman said in an interview with the Financial Times. The new AI model will be more advanced than GPT-4, although it is technically difficult to predict in what aspect.