Origin’s Robotaxi Is “Days Away” From Mass Production

Cruise said it was “only a few days away from regulatory approval to begin mass production of Origin's fully autonomous car, which has no steering wheel or pedals

Cruise said it was “only a few days” away from regulatory approval to begin mass production of Origin’s fully autonomous car, which has no steering wheel or pedals

Cruise first unveiled its Origin AV, designed for both autonomous driving and delivery, in early 2020. The GM-backed company has promised to put “tens of thousands” of Origin on the streets of major U.S. cities over the next few years, but its ability to begin mass production has been hampered by lengthy regulatory processes. Cruise had been waiting for an exemption from federal government vehicle safety standards that require vehicles to have a steering wheel and pedals. 

“We’re testing it, and from what we’ve heard from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, we’re just a few days away from the final regulatory approval that would allow us to start production and start shipping these vehicles to market almost immediately.” Vogt said at the Goldman Sachs event.

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva

Natalia Ganeva is a young and enthusiastic technology journalist who brings a fresh perspective to the tech reporting landscape. Natalia's articles and features showcase her dedication to staying abreast of the latest tech trends and her ability to convey complex topics in an accessible manner.